Saturday, May 23, 2009

cathy ehrler's watercolors

above are 3 paintings from cathy ehrler's eco-series, titled " environmental reverberations ". each work is patterned w/ color & balance. the subject in each is secondary to the painted details; however, collectively these pieces make a profound statement on mankind & our tendency to pollute the earth. 24 paintings in all, paired in color & form ( natural vs. synthetic ). " chaos gives birth to a divine geometric order."

Friday, May 15, 2009

2 paintings

above are works by local artists. " waiting " by martin pate & " ethereal " by rosalind webb. both are oil on canvas. both inspire me. any comments?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

lady's night @ dogwood gallery

still life w/ pears. thanks to all the participants & a special thank you to pam green for her expert instruction. as my good friend, southside steve rickman says " yeh, come on."

Wednesday, May 6, 2009